Refugee Health
The journey to a new home can be both challenging and rewarding. For refugees living in Melbourne, adapting to a new culture and the western healthcare system can bring unique health-related concerns. We want to assure you, when you attend Harar Medical Centre, you’ll receive caring and understanding medical treatment to address the specific needs and challenges faced by people from refugee backgrounds.
Language and cultural barriers should never stand in the way of receiving quality healthcare. We will ensure you have access to interpreters and culturally competent care, so you can feel confident when receiving healthcare. We aim to create a welcoming and inclusive environment that fosters trust andunderstanding, where you feel respected and valued.
Common health concerns we can help with:
Our GP’s can look into the causes of anaemia and iron deficiency in adults and children and correct this health condition with dietary advice and iron therapy using supplements or iron infusion.
We can help with screening for chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cancer. We can also investigate risk factors and provide advice and treatment taking cultural and religious impacts into consideration.
Concerns about nutrition are common in children from refugee backgrounds, including low weight and height, vitamin deficiencies, iron deficiency and low B12. Our doctors can investigate and help to improve nutritional deficiencies through dietary advice, supplements and referral to dietitians.
The team at Harar Medical Clinic provide mental health services that are culturally informed and help to address the impact of past trauma and stress of resettlement in Australia.
We are ready to support refugee patients with sexual health concerns in a sensitive, discreet and culturally sensitive manner.
GPs can assess and treat patients with skin conditions such as eczema and dermatitis, pigmentation changes, rashes and infections.
GP’s can diagnose and treat infectious diseases such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted infections, respiratory infections, malaria and other blood borne viruses.
We can provide diagnosis and treatment for developmental delay and disability including sensory or cognitive difficulty, social and communication issues and physical growth delays.
We can help patients get their vaccination schedule up to date, providing catch-up immunisation plan to ensure patients from a refugee background have the equivalent immunisation to an Australian-born person of the same age.
We offer a confidential and understanding environment where women with refugee backgrounds can receive care. Our GP’s can provide comprehensive women’s health assessment for patients with a culturally sensitive approach in addition to preventive health services such as cervical screening and referrals for mammography. Our team is considerate of the barriers that may face women seeking healthcare services such as language, cultural differences, and past trauma, acknowledging and respecting the diverse backgrounds of refugee women. We can ensure these women receive the holistic, compassionate care they deserve, thus playing a pivotal role in their resettlement and integration in Australia.

Schedule your visit today
You can trust that we are here to provide you with not just medical care, but also the understanding and sense of belonging that you deserve. Our goal is to be your steadfast support system, guiding you towards optimal health as you embrace this new chapter in your life.
We’re here to support you at every step.